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Interview with Guen Dirks (NL) made by Jeroen Goddemaer.

About me: About


Guen Dirks was born in Gent, Belgium. As a young adult she studied sculpture at the academy next to her studies as a teacher. Later on she went to Stuttgart, Germany to learn the specific skills of an art-teacher with antroposofic vision.
She joined multiple group expositions in Lier and Gent and had a few solo-expositions in Antwerp and Mechelen. Due to her love for being human, she also educated herself in creative therapy and other forms of soulwork. Besides her personal work, she teached art in several schools and at the academy. 

Soulcoaching @

About me: About


Merelbeke Infomagazine

Maart 2019

Doorlopende tentoonstelling in GC't Groenendal 'Aan de Muur' met UITPAS: Guen Dirks - Untouchable

Boek: De Kunst van exposeren

Februari 2019

My blog was captured in the book "The art of Exposition" by Laurence Steenbergen - Expositie Coach

Merelbeke Cultuurkrant

January 2019

Expo Untouchable to come.

Blueprint - Orgasmic Manifestation

december 2018

Article about the story behind my painting "Orgasmic manifestation"

Digital edition of BLISS - magazine nr 73 * BLUEPRINT

GYNAIKA - magazine

march 2008

Article about my solo-exposition at Galerie Pin-art, Mechelen

Local Paper Lier

mai 2005

Photograph from my assemblage "Playful" plus article about our group-exposition "WATER" being installed all over Lier city.

Wet Paintbrushes
About me: Publications
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